In this section you'll find patches for games that I translated into English I began translating NES games sometime before my website even existed, and even before we had an internet connection at our house. My brother actually downloaded our first emulator and ROMs at school. We worked together on a translation of the Japanese Final Fantasy 2 for the Famicom, which at that time was unreleased here. Tomas uploaded the work at school to his website, where the translation was hosted. I did not start my website until later in 1997 when we were connected with a dial-up internet connection. When we started, we didn't have hex editors or anything fancy like that to use. We actually made a custom font for DOS which matched up with the text graphics in the game, and printed off a chart showing the decimal ASCII values of all the important characters. We needed this chart while editing the text. We used MSDOS editor, and for each character we had to hold down the Alt key and press the 3 digits corresponding to the letter we wanted to use. I'm pretty sure we're all grateful that it isn't nearly that difficult to do this stuff nowadays. Enough reminiscing. I have 6 complete translations uploaded, and you can read about them and download them by clicking the links on the left side of this page. I haven't started any new projects in quite awhile, but I won't say I never will and risk making a liar out of myself. |