Possibly all you wanted to know about me and this place
About Ummm... I don't have a title!
This website started way back in 1997.
Back in those days it was hosted on tripod.
I don't remember the URL it had back then, but I only actually lasted there for about a day anyway.
At that time geocities had a way better offer, and less popups, so I quickly switched over to www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Realm/7244(I'm not quite sue why I remember that).
The site had very little content originally.
Just the bare bones of a sort of FAQ-like thing I was making for Final Fantasy 3(6) for the SNES, an about me section with a bunch of little Final Fantasy character sprites from the NES 1,2 and 3, some links, and a few belches to listen to if I remember correctly.
After being remodeled, I lost my sprites and the FAQ stuff, put some midi's from NES games up that I made, recorded a wav file of the commercial for the original Legend of Zelda, put up some ROMS for download or email request, added a guestbook, started putting up translations, and then removed the ROMS.
I moved to taichou.dynip.com/midas during this incarnation of the page, and stayed there until it went down basically.
The next incarnation, of which a few pages remain intact on my new site, was at alanmidas.spoony-bard.com.
During this phase I released a few completed translations, added more midi's, added more belches, got a video in card and ripped a video of the original Legend of Zelda commercial and made many ridiculous additions to the page.
It's pretty much the same now, but the "-" is gone.
The layout, with the exception of a couple pages has been completely redone again, since when the server crashed back in like late 2004 I lost all my stuff pretty much.
I've added Lots of new sections, but unfortunately lost my midi's and some belches(temporarily), and the wav of the Zelda commercial(but its not that necessary since I have the video anyway), and a couple years out of the updates section.
Right now if you browse the site you'll find: a survey, links, translations, hacks, belches, video/animation, some user submitted stuff, AQ's, the same old guestbook, most of the old news, and a bunch of other stuff to kill some time.
If you have any ideas for new material for me to put up, I'm open to suggestion, though I may not get it done based on real life getting in the way, or not wanting to do it.
If you want help doing something, or want me to be a part of anything, just let me know, and if I can I'll help there too.
Also, this site is best viewed on Firefox, and there may possibly be some ugliness problems if you use an inferior browser like IE that can't handle it.
In IE the bottom links will not show up on the front page like they're supposed too.
About AlanMidas
That's me!
The guy that made this site and the graphics and such contained within it.
I'm (this year - 1983[after February 26, - 1982 before]) years old, 6'4" tall, my weight varies so I'm not sure what I weigh right now, I have brown hair/eyes, have 20/20 vision in my left eye and 19/20 vision I my right, can hear to -5dB slightly outside of the normal hearing range, my limbs all come out of joint with little effort, and my skin is somewhat stretchy all over.
There... enough? Thought so. Enjoy the site!