Stay Tuned For The Next Exciting Episode!
April 25, 2007
      Wow... As usual my work was full of typos. English obviously is not my first language. I don't know what is either.... but definately not English! Almost every page has had typos fixed on it, but that's not that important really... I'm sure people could understand what I meant. Anyway, I also added a lot of mp3's to the Eskimo Bob section for the music that's been in the show and such. Someone also pointed out a typo in my 100 World translation, so I looked it over and found another couple and fixed them too. Apparently the music screwed up at some point too, but I couldn't find anything overly obvious that was wrong... and I'm honestly far too out of practice to find anything major now. I wasn't able to replicate the problem on any of my emulators either though, so I'm hoping it was just an bug that happened due to their computer or emulator. Thanks Dan Weiss though for pointing it out, the typo is fixed anyway at least. On a note completely unrelated to my site, I'll be going back home to Nova Scotia in a few days!

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