Well Excuuuuse Me Princess!
These sites are either somehow related to my site or me probably, and are in alphabetical order

CTC(Confederated Translation Company) - I'm honestly a little surprised this is still up. It's basically a portal to a few good quality fan translation sites. There's links to other translation sites and a couple message boards, one for general stuff and one for translation stuff. Not much there now, and no updating it seems, but I'll keep being a proud member anyway! =p

Eskimo Bob - This is my internet cartoon. Its a lot more popular than this site, and its basically the best flash series on the internet, not that I'm biased or anything. You should go here.

Linux.org - Long live the penguin! I just put this here to emphasize my geekiness.

Phelous.com - Yeah, he's been one of my best friends since elementary school. He does the voice of the FIASS(fish in a spaceship) on Eskimo Bob, and makes Mortal Komedy too. His personal site and Mortal Komedy sites are here, so there's lots to see.

The Spoony Bard - This is my brother's site, and the site I'm hosted on because I'm far to cheap and lazy to pay for a domain name right now. He makes Eskimo Bob with me, but this is his personal site.

Vibrant Sock - This is my little sister's page, the one who did Oof with me.

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© Alan Guinan (Midas The Muffler Goalie) 1997-2007.