I Want A Shoe Phone!
Just one method won't do, so here's a few ways to contact me:

On Site
You can give me feedback right on the website by either answering the questions in my quick and easy survey, or by signing my guestbook!

Instant Messaging
ICQ(982-1147) - The messenger that started the whole instant messaging craze. If you don't let me know your real in the authorization request, I'll assume your not real and decline you.
MSN (king_midas_@hotmail.com) - If it seems like I'm ignoring you, i's just cause my computer doesn't set me to "away" for some reason sometimes... or I'm ignoring you.

alan@eskimobob.com - If I don't reply, I likely thought you were spam and deleted you before checking.

In Person
If you happen to find me in person ever, I suppose I'll talk to you.

I'm not going to tell you my phone number, but if you somehow manage to find it will probably still talk to you if I'm not busy at the time of the call.

Carrier Pigeon
This is an exciting option not offered by most websites! Simply attach a note to a pigeon and hope it makes it to us.
Or, if you see one of our official carrier pigeons you'll be able to quickly recognize it by the large AlanMidas logo's on the upper side of each wing, and on it's belly. Simply by yelling "ALANMIDAS" at the top of your lungs, the pigeon should respond by landing in front of you and waiting for you to leave or tie a note to it's leg. If the pigeon does not seem to respond, it is likely already in the process of delivering a message. We're sorry that the official pigeon staff is low at the moment, but we are unfortunately unable to take on any more staff at this time, so sightings may be rare.

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© Alan Guinan (Darcy Moto Man) 1997-2007.